Saturday, November 28, 2009

NESTOPIA !!!!!!!!

A friend showed me this some of u may know, Nestopia is a client u can download in order to play really old games of a file called .nes (nintendo's NES systems).
u can find in various game-sites those files which contain the code of the old game.
open it with the window of NESTOPIA and play!

good downloading link:


  1. bro, are you NEW to the internet?!

    this is beyond old news! i had nesticle back in 1997!

    holy, melt and i play genesis. skynyne, cybot and i play Mame(arcade) & NES.

    Let me know if you want to get a game going...even though i opened a thread about this on SM about two years ago with NO replies. :)

  2. lol comparing to u, I am new..
    anyway, send my way a few games, i don't have many..

    i'll catch ya on MSN, we will get something going bro

  3. genesis, snes, nes, virtual console(wii)
    Old school till I die
