Monday, April 4, 2011


It keeps coming to my attention that most of these things that I think are funny chances are no one else does. I'm sorry if you have to suffer through my posts <3 Audi


  1. I feel that way too but I think that's the beauty of this blog.

    I like what everyone posts! Well, I can't handle the super gory/real life dead people ones, but I just quickly scroll away :-X
    I especially like your tranny posts, & whenever I saw them I knew it was you! Hahaha

    Girl you fine, keep posting!

    P.s. I wana make that taco thing for my friends baby!

  2. I think everyone on Embalm has their own style and tastes and with that comes a different fan base for each user. I enjoy this blog in its entirety and I'm sure many other people do.

    Keep it up, girlfraaan!

  3. embalm needs more posts that make Cuntie quickly scroll away


  4. Haaaaah, yea you guys are SLACKIN'

  5. Im here just posting the niggerish stuff...I like it all
